Repository Templates

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An easy start to a project

The repository templates organization offers an ever-expanding collection of GitHub templates to choose from.

What are GitHub Templates?

Templates were recently introduced to GitHub. More information can be found in their blog post.

How to use a template

  1. Go to the repository templates GitHub page and choose the repository that suits your needs.
  2. Click the Use this template button.

    image of the button

  3. Finally, type a name, description and set the privacy settings just as you usually would do when creating a new repository.

Once you have used a template once, it should appear in a dropdown list directly on the new repository page for easy access when creating future projects.

image of dropdown list containing template

A detailed breakdown of GitHub templates can be found on the GitHub help page.

Requesting a new template

New templates can be requested by creating an issue in the requests repository. You can also send us an email if you’re willing to contribute code to a new template or join our development team. Don’t forget to include your GitHub username.